Running Facebook ads? 1:1 coaching offer (5 spots available)

Running Facebook ads? This is for you.

[Want to skip to the 1:1 coaching offer? Scroll down to the bottom of this email for details πŸ‘‡πŸΌ]

I get hundreds of DMs every month from distraught business owners attempting to run Facebook ads.

Many are in tears.

They tell me that they have spent thousands of dollars running ads and have seen absolutely ZERO results.

The only number going up is their credit card bill.

It breaks my heart.

These small business owners literally take days out of their busy lives to set up their advertising account, connect their Facebook page and tackle creating the ads themselves.

It is an immense amount of work to set this all up (I know this all too well!) Especially if it's their first time around.

I think what breaks my heart the most is that they are so....excited.

And then when they don't see any results for the money they've spent - they are crushed. Demoralized. Frustrated.

The thing is, Facebook doesn't discriminate.

If you don't have a clear strategy when running Facebook ads, Facebook (well, Meta) doesn't care that you're throwing away thousands of dollars each month.

Here's what you need to know before you embark on your Facebook advertising journey...

(Don't tell Facebook I'm telling you this)

Facebook doesn't care about you.

They don't care about the little advertisers.

Your $500 per month running ads feels like a lot to you. To Facebook it's a drop in the bucket (a very, very large bucket).

They don't care that you spend your hard earned money advertising on their platform.

They don't care if you get locked out of your advertising account.

They don't care that you don't know how to run ads effectively.

In fact, they kind of wish you would just go away (and go back to consuming on the platform).

Last year, Coca-Cola Co. spent $327 million on advertising in the United States. They are one of Facebook's largest advertisers. I can only imagine how much of that they spend of that on Facebook ads.

Okay, is this a bit harsh? Sorry about that.

I don't say all of this to be mean, jaded or to discourage you from advertising.

In fact, it's the opposite.

I say this to help.

I say this to help you set realistic expectations and to not waste your precious time, money and resources on running ads.

Because Facebook doesn't care if you create sh*tty ads.

Or that you spent your last $1,000 bucks on an ad campaign that flopped.


When leveraged correctly, the Facebook advertising platform can quite literally change your life and business.

The Facebook advertising platform is a gift to small businesses.

Where else can you go and spend as little as $5 per day and see immediate results (aka SALES)?

Remember back to the day of radio ads? Print ads? Billboards?

With Facebook ads you can clearly see how your ad performed.

You have immediate insight into how many people saw the ad itself, how many people clicked on it, how many people visited your check-out page, and best of all, how many people purchased your product as a direct result of your ad.

What a gift that us "little guys" have access to the Facebook advertising platform - just the same as a billion dollar brand like Coca Cola.

All the same tools.

All the same data.

All the same targeting options.

But you do need a strategy.

You must be fully committed to running ads by spending the time and money to do it properly. [Yes, you WILL need to spend money you're not comfortable spending].

You need to embrace the suck and stress of it in the beginning. [The learning curve SUCKS at first!]

And you must manage your emotions and expectations. [Stop tinkering and changing copy on a whim!]

If you can't do that...DON'T run Facebook ads!

You're not ready.

And you will just waste your time and money.

I see it every single day.

Take it from me...very few people run Facebook ads profitably.

But if you are ready to sell more products, grow and scale your business, and to leverage the power of the Facebook advertising platform...

I can help.

In response to the hundreds of pleas for help in my DMs, I'm opening up 5 spots to work with me 1:1.

This coaching offer includes an individualized Facebook ads strategy, 4x weekly calls where we build and monitor an ad campaign that makes you money and you can use over and over again for your own business or clients.

At the end of our time together you will have ads that pay for themselves.

Ready to harness the power of Facebook Ads together? To do it right this time around?

These spots will fill up fast so if you're interested I encourage you to take action. We'll start working on creating winning ads in October!

Fill out this form to see if we're a good fit:​

Questions? Not sure if you're ready for Facebook ads? Hit reply and I'll get back to ya! :)

Here's to your Facebook advertising success...

~ Megan

P.S: I've been running/managing/teaching Facebook ads for the last 8+ years. Check out my Advertising on Facebook course on LinkedIn Learning here. (It's had over 50,000 students complete it!)

πŸ‘‹πŸΌ Hi, I'm Megan!

I'm a business coach & digital marketer who spends time in the Bay Area and the mountains of British Columbia. Each week I share stories, ideas, and resources to help you build a profitable business & life you love.

PO Box 263, Invermere, BC V0A1K0
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